DEAR SUN SPOTS: I am looking for someone to fix my record player. It is in a cabinet which plays tapes and radio. I think the trouble is with the player and where the needle is located. — No name, no town.

ANSWER: For those who may be unfamiliar, a record player spins a vinyl record and reproduces the sound printed on the record. It must be finely calibrated to get the best sound quality. Special tools and parts are needed to restore and test the record player during the repair process so a knowledgeable repair person is vital.

Today it is hard to find a record player repair shop or even a repair center that can work on a record player. Sun Spots reached out to several and found one place that will be offering this service starting in the new year, Finestkind Electronics. They are at 141A Maine St. in Brunswick and can be reached by calling 207-729-6513.

If any Sun Spots readers know of anyone else offering record player repair services, please write in to Sun Spots.

DEAR SUN SPOTS: The East Otisfield Free Baptist Church invites any women who have ideas, skills, books or patterns to share to join our sewing and craft group. Come bring a project or just come to enjoy the camaraderie of a small group of women who meet every Wednesday (except the third Wednesday) from 1 to 3:30 p.m. at the church (231 Rayville Road, off Route 121, in Otisfield). We put the tea kettle on and work on our own projects and sometimes on a group project. For more information, call Elaine at 207-461-1995 or email at

DEAR SUN SPOTS: As a subscriber to the Sun Journal at my home address, how can I read online when I am away from home?—No name, no town.


ANSWER: With your home print subscription you also have unlimited access as well as unlimited Sun Journal eEdition access.

The website,, has all the stories that appear in the paper as well as some bonus content that may not have appeared in the paper or hasn’t been printed yet.

If you want to see the paper exactly as it appears in the print edition, there is the eEdition. The eEdition can be accessed through through a link on the top menu bar. There is also an eEdition reader app that you can download through the app store on your tablet or smartphone. It gives you today’s exact paper right on your screen; it even has links that you can click when websites are provided.

DEAR SUN SPOTS: The Norway Memorial Library is having a cookie and book swap on Thursday, Dec. 15, from 6:30 to 8 p.m. We are asking that participants bring two dozen of their favorite holiday cookies to exchange. Those attending will find new recipes to add to their list of favorite cookies and a chance to relax and socialize at the library during the busy holiday season. In addition attendees will swap gently used books. Remember to bring a container to take home your cookies and bring a copy of your recipe. To register, call the information desk at 207-743-5309 ext.1 or visit the library’s web site at

Use the QR code to go to Sun Spots online for additional information and links. This column is for you, our readers. It is for your questions and comments. There are only two rules: You must write to the column and sign your name (we won’t use it if you ask us not to). Please include your phone number. Letters will not be returned or answered by mail, and telephone calls will not be accepted. Your letters will appear as quickly as space allows. Address them to Sun Spots, P.O. Box 4400, Lewiston, ME 04243-4400. Inquiries can be emailed to, tweeted @SJ_SunSpots or posted on the Sun Spots Facebook page at This column can also be read online at We’ve joined Pinterest at