The consolidation of Lewiston-Auburn — what is the real catalyst behind this endeavor, once again? Since the late 1800s, a certain group of folks have had that dream. They would strip away the identity as two vibrant, yet very different cities and make it one.

Those people in favor of the merger say it is to save money, and then say it is not about money. Which is it?

I have always thought that if something does not feel right or sound right, then it is probably wrong.

Lewiston and Auburn have come this far and endured because the cities are different and feed off each other. The two communities make adjustments from each others mistakes and learn how to make improvements, for the betterment of both cities.

For years, the municipal departments for the two cities have worked together, bringing savings where they can and still keeping the two cities’ identities.

Let’s keep it that way.

Larry Pelletier, Auburn