Since President Donald Trump’s inauguration, I have noticed a change in the tone of the news. There are misleading inflammatory headlines on the front page leading to an anti-Republican narrative, and the Republican side of the story is usually minimal and buried on an inside page.

An allied issue is the obligation of a community newspaper to reveal to its readers the vote of its congressional and state legislative delegations on important issues. Among the excuses not to do that is that there is not enough space for it, yet there seems to be enough space to print the anti-Trump articles.

Sen. Chuck Schumer and Rep. Nancy Pelosi are frequently shown on television and are consistently critical of Republicans, many allegations and no proof. The Democrat television ads on the health care law are absurdly false. That law is in development and the final version is not nearly finished.

Clearly the national press is anti-Trump. It has dragged out the FBI Director James Comey story for more than two weeks with meaningless questions. That plays a role in the anti-Trump strategy to create an atmosphere of distrust. President Trump can legally fire the FBI director, and did so, without needing to be accountable to anyone. His reasons were clear.

The alliance of the national media, with some exceptions, and the Democrats is clear. Voters should consider that when forming their opinions. We should be seeing more constructive efforts from the Democrats, rather than the consistent negative narrative and hate speech.

Thomas Shields, Auburn