NORWAY – Town Manager David Holt said the Maine Department of Transportation is studying ways to make the intersection of Gore Road and Route 117 safer.

Holt said he recently had a conversation with a state highway engineer.

“He said that the state has some ideas on how to get drivers to slow down when driving through that intersection, as far as the state road goes,” Holt said.

At the board’s meeting last Thursday, Holt said residents can expect to see some minor changes in the intersection, in terms of signs and the type of paint used on the road.

Discussion about the intersection began at the board’s April 20 meeting when resident Ron Estes told selectmen he believed the intersection is dangerous at night and required more lighting.

Holt said that a couple of years ago he recommended placing a streetlight there, but selectmen took no action.


Another resident, Jeffrey Steere, agreed with Estes, adding that the town should look into installing a street sign with a low-wattage solar-powered blinking light to place ahead of the intersection to warn drivers to slow down.

Police Chief Rob Federico told the board last week that he researched the intersection and learned there have been two accidents there in the past five years and a lot of collisions with deer.

Town Manager David Holt said the Maine Department of Transportation is considering ways to make the intersection at Gore Road and Route 117 after. Residents said it’s poorly lit and cars drive too fast there.