Throughout Barack Obama’s presidency, Thomas Shields wrote to the Sun Journal touting the virtues of the Republican party. I would remind him, Republicans lacked the ability to govern. The will of the people gets cast aside if it conflicts with Republican ideology. Now Shields complains the media are anti-Trump/anti-Republican?

President Trump’s bad press is self-inflicted. Whether by tweet or by speech, he is a world-wide embarrassment to the American people.

The investigation into his campaign’s ties to Russia is now classified as a “criminal investigation” — unprecedented in American history.

He publicly admitted firing the FBI Director James Comey to end the investigation. Now, Shields complains about the media coverage?

Republicans have control over both houses of Congress, yet could not pass a bill to kill the Affordable Care Act? They have raged about doing that for almost a decade. That’s the media’s fault, too? According to a Gallup survey, 55 percent of all Americans support the ACA, yet Republicans believe they no longer have to represent the will of the people. Congressman Bruce Poliquin continues to demonstrate his complete lack of leadership.

Maine’s Republican governor and Republican legislators ignore the will of the people, even though the people voted to increase the minimum wage and raise education revenue by taxing those with higher incomes.

Republicans continue pointing fingers to justify their inability to govern, deflecting responsibility for their lack of leadership and ignoring the will of the people.

That is a leadership problem and a corruption problem, not a media problem

David Marquis, Lewiston