AUGUSTA — The Governor’s Energy Office says the price of heating oil in Maine has risen slightly from two weeks ago.
The statewide average cash price for No. 2 heating oil was $2.30 per gallon this week, 2 cents more than it was in early February.
The statewide price of kerosene went up 3 cents, to $2.83. Propane prices have crept up 6 cents and are now up to $2.59 per gallon.
The state found the highest heating oil price was $2.60, while the lowest price was $2. Those highs and low have remained unchanged for about a month. Northern and central Maine had a higher average at $2.36 per gallon.
The figures reflect a Feb. 14 survey.

Paul Dorion, a driver for the Downeast Energy, prepares to deliver heating oil in 2015 to a home in Portland.
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