As a public school teacher and concerned citizen of Maine, I was disappointed to learn of the LePage-appointed Maine PUC commissioners’ decision to phase out net-metering for roof-top solar.

According to two surveys taken in 2016, more than 60 percent of Mainers support net-metering. Contrary to what Gov. LePage purports, solar arrays, in addition to providing many blue collar jobs to Mainers, also reduce our electric costs because they lessen the need for new pipelines, transmission lines and substations. Maine is the perfect place for solar energy because our greatest need for electricity comes when we have the longest, sunniest days — summertime. And during peak times, electricity from rarely used generating plants costs considerably more to produce.

Thankfully, Rep. Seth Berry will be bringing a bill (LD 1373) to the Legislature on Thursday, May 4, which will:

• Protect net-metering;

• Re-establish the solar rebate fund and allow for third-party ownership of a solar installation, assisting people with the up-front cost of installing solar panels.

I hope others will join me in urging their representatives to pass this bill. It makes good sense economically and environmentally and provides good jobs to Maine people. It also keeps our power local and lessens our reliance on sources outside of Maine.

Keeps Maine jobs, saves consumers some money and protects the environment — it is a win-win-win solution to Maine’s energy needs.

Wendy Schlotterbeck, Auburn