BRUNSWICK — The Maine Technology Institute is requesting project proposals from Maine organizations, or organizations looking to locate in Maine, who anticipate making investments in equipment, infrastructure and technology upgrades to drive innovation in Maine.

Potential applicants should demonstrate how the bond funding will complement their own matching investments to the greatest possible extent and for the greatest possible economic impact, as well as why their company or project falls within the research, development and commercialization continuum.

Applicants will participate in a competitive process and will need to show how the grant funding will help them gain and hold market share, increase revenues and grow or preserve jobs for Maine people. MTI will award funding as challenge grants to leverage private investments on at least a 1-to-1 cost share basis.

MTI will accept requests between Oct. 2 and Dec. 8, and will review the requests on a monthly basis. As with all state bond funds, awards must be used for capital and infrastructure expenditures, such as equipment and facilities renovation.

For a full set of program guidelines and requirements, go to:

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