As someone who not only drives on Lewiston streets, but also bikes and jogs along them, it is important to me that safety is considered in decisions made about streets. The community has been devastated by pedestrian deaths in the past, and it is important that Lewiston has leadership who advocate for changes to keep people safe.

I was glad to see the city council voted to support a complete streets ordinance to promote safety. In particular, council president Kristen Cloutier worked with fellow community leaders to organize a pedestrian safety forum to listen to community members’ recommendations to make Lewiston streets safer.

Leadership like Cloutier’s is exactly what Lewiston residents need — someone who listens to neighbors and works alongside them to make this city safe for everyone.

I hope others will join me in supporting the re-election of Kristen Cloutier  to Lewiston’s City Council this November.

Kristine Kittridge, Lewiston