LEWISTON — The YWCA’s Positive Ethnic And Cultural Exchange (PEACE) program will host a women’s clothing swap for the New Year from 5:30 to 7 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 4, at the YWCA.

The clothing swap is free, and participants are invited to take clothes, as well as bring clothes to donate. The YWCA will accept donations for the women’s clothing swap in all sizes from now until the day of the exchange. Clothing can be brought to the front desk at the YWCA. All women are welcome to attend the swap.

The PEACE program works to build cross-cultural community among women through social gatherings, health and wellness programming, art workshops and issue-based dialogue in a women-only space. PEACE meets twice monthly at the YWCA Central Maine, 130 East Ave.

Upcoming 2018 sessions include:

Thursday, Jan. 18: Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Celebration.

Thursday, Feb. 1: Galentine’s Day Craft Night.

FMI: call 207-795-4050, sabasnaji@gmail.com.

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