“Late Night Tales: Volume III” is a Resurgence Dance Company production. Originally conceived by Artistic Director Ashley Steeves, the final installment in the series will be directed by Charlotte Schofield, one of the RDC Corps members. “Late Night Tales” is a series about the dancer as an individual. The dancers wanted the audience to feel more connected, so they choreographed pieces based on their own lives. Each dance is a true story. Special guest Vivid Motion Inc. will appear, as they have in the first two performances. Shows are 7 p.m. Jan. 25, 26 and 27, and 2 p.m. Jan. 28. Tickets are $16 for adults and $12 for students at the door. Save $4 by purchasing in advance (ticketing fee is included). Buy tickets online at chocolatechurcharts.org or call 207-442-8455. Staged in the Annex of the Chocolate Church Arts Center, 804 Washington St., Bath.
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