Recently, I had a dream that I was talking with God. I told God of my fear for the safety of the world, what with unstable men in control of our very future on Earth.

In a strong, compelling voice, God explained how he had sent all his prophets to Earth with the same message and rules to live by, as stated in the Golden Rule and the Ten Commandments. He told me that those are all people need to live by, even today. God also said that he gave all his children free will and common sense.

He told me not to fear, that he sees the antics of his flock, including the present leader of America, sitting on his self-made throne, tossing fists full of gold coins in the air, and how he had laughed as the man’s toadies stopped licking the man’s feet to scramble after the coins. God saw one coin roll into the shadows, to be grabbed up by a bent-over man — one of the working class.

God looked at me and softly reassured me to be secure in the fact that common sense would soon overrule greed and dishonesty.

He did share with me that he was mystified how the image of a songbirds’ soft tweet had evolved into a hateful tool used to hurt others.

I awoke with a calm feeling that all is well and common sense will prevail.

Carole Richards, Livermore

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