Looking Back on June 12

100 years ago, 1918

Merritt Roak of Perkins Ridge, Auburn, did a costly bit of shopping Monday afternoon. He drove to Auburn with a spare wheel to have it repaired, left the wheel at Fred Taylor’s blacksmith shop on Turner street, tied his horse and wagon outside the shop, and went downtown. Ho was gone half an hour. When he returned the outfit was gone. No one about the shop had noticed it go, and a careful search that night failed to reveal a trace of it. Tuesday morning Mr. Roak, with Deputy Mower of the Auburn police, found the horse in an old shed behind the Auburn post office, with nothing left of his harness but its collar, and that on wrong side to.

50 years ago, 1968

Miss Jane Barron of Lewiston leaves June 20 for Los Angeles for training with the Peace Corps. At the completion of her training in linguists, practice teaching, and physical education, she will be sent to Turkey where she is to teach English as a foreign language. The daughter of Mrs. Earl T. Barron of 1 Davis Street, Lewiston, and the late Mr. Barron, she was graduated Sunday from Nasson College receiving her Bachelor of Arts degree. A history major she was a Dean’s list student and spent her sophomore year studying in Vienna.

25 years ago, 1993

Derek Lavertu, a 12-year-old sixth-grader at Great Falls School, was one of eight kids chosen out of 950 entrants in a nationwide contest sponsored by the newspaper. “I was really excited because it’s a national newspaper, and the odds were very small of winning,” Lavertu says. “People like to hear the opinions of the younger generation, and they like to hear fresh opinions from people who haven’t seen as many movies as adults have.”

The material in Looking Back is reproduced exactly as it originally appeared, although misspellings and errors made at that time may be corrected.