MEXICO – The congregations of the Rumford United Methodist Church and the Mexico Congregational Church, UCC, will join together for Holy Week. Thursday evening, April 17, at 7 p.m., there will be a Maundy Thursday service in the United Methodist sanctuary on Linnell Street in Rumford. It will include a tableau of the Last Supper presented by director Kathy Foster and men from both churches. Holy communion will follow the drama, offered by Pastor Frank Haines and the Rev. Virginia Snapp-Cunningham. On Friday, April 18, at 7 p.m. there will be a Good Friday service in the Mexico Congregational Church, 163 Main St., led by Haines and Snapp-Cunningham. A combined choir from the two churches will sing, under the direction of Bob Bohren. A reader’s theater presentation of the Stations of the Cross will be presented by the women of the “Green Church.” The public is invited to the services leading up to Easter morning.

Free seeds

RUMFORD – Free garden and flower seeds will be given out at the Rumford Center Grange from 2 to 5 p.m., Friday and Saturday, April 18 and 19.

Sunrise service

DIXFIELD – The Dixfield Congregational Church will hold an Easter sunrise service at 6 a.m. Sunday, April 20, on High Street. Easter breakfast will follow the service. The regular service will be at 10 a.m. with Pastor John Gensel officiating.

Class of ’45


MEXICO -Members of the Stephens High School class of 1945 and their spouses are welcome to attend the monthly luncheon at 1 p.m. Thursday, April 24, at the Far East Restaurant. People can call Connie Palleschi at 364-8785 or Muriel Arsenault at 545-2709 to make reservations.

Economic forum

DIXFIELD -The Dixfield Economic Development Council is sponsoring a discussion with Scott Christiansen, executive director of the River Valley Growth Council. Business owners and others are invited to the meeting room at the Dixfield Fire Station on Monday, April 21, at 6:30 p.m. This will be an open forum to ask questions, give comments and make suggestions about what is happening in the River Valley and what people might like to see happen in the future.

Child seats

NORWAY -The Child Health Center’s ProtectME program is offering a free, child passenger safety seat check on Thursday, April 24. People who would like to schedule an appointment can call Suzanne Cook, 782-5437. The Child Health Center will also offer free booster seats to those who are eligible. To pre-apply for a free seat, people can call 782-5437.



BETHEL -The Bethel Airport Authority is holding a ribbon-cutting at 2 p.m. Friday, April 25, at the Bethel Regional Airport/Colonel Dyke Field. Gov. John Baldacci will be the featured speaker and will cut the ribbon commemorating the completion of the runway expansion project, organizers said.

They said Rep. Michael Michaud will be present, and Sens. Olympia Snowe and Susan Collins have been invited. Leslie B. Otten, a longtime advocate for the runway project, will also speak. Music will be provided by the Gould Academy Chamber Orchestra, under the direction of James McLaughlin.

The ceremony will be held in the Cleary hangar, where seating will be provided. It is open to the public.
Rumford auditions

MEXICO – Auditions for the Rumford Area Association of Performing Arts dinner theater one-Act plays will be at 6 p.m. Tuesday, April 29. Perusal scripts are available at Rumford Library. For more information, people can call Mary at 562-7050.
Bethel bids

BETHEL -The town of Bethel is receiving sealed bids on the sale of tax-acquired properties described by the tax map as Lots 17-1 & 17-2. Bidders are being encouraged to independently inspect any public records concerning these properties that may be available at the Bethel town office and Oxford County Registry of Deeds. Minimum bid on each property shall be equal to the town’s assessed value for that parcel.

Deadline for submission of sealed bids to the Town Office, 19 Main St., P.O. Box 1660, Bethel, ME 04217, is 4 p.m. on Thursday, May 15. Bids will be opened and available for public inspection at that time. Selectmen plan to review the bid results at their next regularly scheduled meeting. In the event a bid is selected, the town plans to issue a quit-claim deed on receipt of the bid in cash or certified check.
Craft sale

RUMFORD – The woman’s auxiliary of Le Paresseux Club is planning a craft and rummage sale from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday, May 10, at the club room at 227 Waldo St. The 6-foot tables will cost $10 and the 8-foot tables will be $15.

People can contact Sandee at 364-2548, Rose at 562-8383, Debi at 364-2479 or Dee at 369-0619 from 2-11 p.m.

A light lunch will be available.