This is in response to David Theriault’s letter (Sept. 5).

In a world filled with suffering and injustice of all kinds, it’s a moral imperative for Christians and every caring person to do whatever we can to help others — regardless of whether they have two legs or four, are covered in skin or a shell, or speak our language or a different one.

PETA’s lobster memorial would have encouraged people to show compassion to our fellow members of God’s creation by filling our plates with nutritious vegetables, fruits and grains instead of animals, whom God created to have thoughts, feelings and desires — as well as the ability to experience pain, fear and suffering. Christians are called to be merciful, but there is nothing merciful about boiling a living, feeling being to death in order to gratify human taste buds.

Practicing compassion toward members of all species enriches people personally and it can better the human condition as well. Choosing humane vegan foods lowers the risk of heart disease, cancer and obesity, for example, while making precious crops available to feed hungry people. PETA’s lobster memorial also would have reminded drivers to slow down — which can prevent accidents and save lives.

God is love, and encouraging others to show mercy to all beings honors their creator as well.

Daniel Paden, Norfolk, Virginia

Director, LAMBS, PETA’s Christian Outreach Division

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