Anyone who wants to turn the page on eight years of a Republican governor who bragged about being “Trump before Trump was Trump” should vote to replace him with Janet Mills, who will:

• Fight for affordable health care. Reversing mean-spirited Republican policy, she will enforce the wishes of Maine voters by expanding Medicaid.

• Foster a strong economy that grows jobs in rural Maine, as well as along the coast.

• Ensure that every child gets a world-class education, including universal pre-K.

• Embrace renewable energy that creates jobs and stems climate change.

• Continue to fight the opioid epidemic. As attorney general, she purchased and distributed the life-saving, anti-overdose medication naloxone, which has saved more than 500 lives.

Janet Mills is the kind of antidote that is needed to help counteract the chaos in Washington and who demonstrates the value of people-first leadership.

Dave Griffiths, Mechanic Falls

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