So what has your local Pack 76 been up to this season? Aside from having regularly scheduled weekly den meetings and a monthly pack meeting we have just finished our annual Pinewood Derby races of 2019! This event occurs at the end January every year. Pinewood Derby placing: Senior Classic- 1st place – Austin Beal, 2nd place – Aidan Shepard, 3rd place -Ian Aldrich. Junior Classic – 1st place – Greyson Herr, 2nd place – Bentley Newbury, 3rd place – Korbin Bubier.

Our 3rd grade den visited Maine State Police officers and were all fingerprinted and got to check out the mobile crime unit.

Next activity is the annual Chill Out at Camp Roosevelt, which happens later in February. We will spend the day doing winter challenge activities and ice fishing.

Pack 76 is also teaming up with the Old Town/Orono YMCA to participate in the Fish Friends program this season. This is the first time that the Pack and the YMCA will be doing this program. For those who don’t know, Fish Friends is the program where we raise Atlantic Salmon from eggs until they are ready to be released into the local water. Eggs should be delivered by the end of February and the tank will be located at the YMCA. We will keep you posted on our baby salmon!

Last month Pack 76 had a very successful Food Drive! Thanks to our leaders Angela and Alisha for handling the leadership at the event, which took place in front of Bell’s Orono IGA. Donations received included: 76 bags, 2 boxes and $82 in donations all went to Crossroads Ministries.

Visit our Pack FB page if you have any questions: Old Town Area Cubs Pack 76.

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