Members of Maine’s congressional delegation offered their reactions to Michael Cohen’s testimony on Wednesday before the House Oversight and Reform Committee.

Sen. Susan Collins, Republican

“Due to the fact that Michael Cohen has pled guilty to lying to Congress, his testimony must be scrutinized carefully.

“Several of the assertions he testified to under oath today are, however, of great concern and merit further inquiry. Mr. Cohen’s testimony further underscores the importance of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation continuing unimpeded.”

Sen. Angus King, independent

“I do not blindly take Mr. Cohen at his word, but his testimony in today’s open session does appear relevant – possibly substantial, if it can be corroborated – to the concurrent investigations being conducted by the Senate Intelligence Committee and the Special Counsel’s office. His testimony is another addition to the mountain of evidence being examined by these investigations, and should be carefully considered and verified where possible.”


Rep. Chellie Pingree, D-1st District

“Today Donald Trump’s longtime personal attorney testified under oath that his client and our current President paid him to cover up everything from his standardized test scores to his personal and professional malfeasance. I echo Chairman Cummings’ feelings that what the American people heard today in his hearing room was deeply disturbing and indicates the President may have committed a crime while in office.”

Spokesman Nick Zeller, speaking for Rep. Jared Golden, D-2nd District

“Congressman Golden is focused on getting results for working Mainers, not the latest partisan political games. He supports the Special Counsel’s investigation into the Trump campaign and will do everything in his power to allow the Counsel to complete the investigation so the American people can learn the truth.”