100 Years Ago: 1919
The next membership meeting will occur in the Chamber of Commerce rooms on Monday night at 6 o’clock. Justice John A. Morrill has consented to speak on some of the big issues of the day, and a fine address is assured. Of course, the ladies will be welcome.
50 Years Ago: 1969
When the Lewiston Senior Citizens met Thursday morning at the Lewiston Memorial Armory, Richard Carbonneau, director of the Model Cities program, was the featured speaker. Winners of the special prizes were Adelard Landry and Anna Gaudet and refreshments were under the direction of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Palange and Mrs. Angelina Pechkis.
25 Years Ago: 1994
Dave Turcotte broke into a grin as he removed his ski goggles. Clutching a pair of adapted ski poles that measure less than 12 inches, Turcotte waited to be lifted from a sit-ski into his wheelchair. He then wheeled inside Lost Valley ski area’s lodge to receive his award for the season, a measure of his success as a disabled skier using specially adapted equipment. Turcotte is among 26 students who have been helped through the efforts of the Lost Valley volunteer program, and from that success. he said winter is made more enjoyable. Sunday marked the end of the official teaching season for students and their families attending Lost Valley’s handicapped ski program.
The material used in Looking Back is reproduced exactly as it originally appeared, although misspellings and errors may be corrected.

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