LIVERMORE — Regional School Unit 73 directors announced Thursday evening, Feb. 28, the creation of a superintendent search committee.

Chairman Robert Staples said, “Community members from Jay, Livermore and Livermore Falls interested in serving on the committee should go to their town office and give their name. Each town is asked to select one person to serve.”

The deadline for contacting town offices is March 8.

The committee will also include the board chairman and vice chairman, both of whom are from Jay, one board member each from Livermore and Livermore Falls, a student, a building administrator, the business manager, a teacher from each school, plus adult education, a bus driver or custodian, a kitchen worker and a secretary or education technician. Each group will choose their representative.

Committee member names should be submitted to the interim superintendent Robert Webster.

The superintendent’s position will be advertised next week and applications are due April 5.