CHESTERVILLE — Polls will be open March 8 from noon to 6 p.m. at the Chesterville Town Hall, 409 Dutch Gap Road.

Voters will elect a Regional School Board 9 Director and fill three seats on the Board of Selectmen. Only Craig Stickney, current school board director, returned nomination papers for the RSU 9 Director.

Two Selectmen seats are three-year terms currently held by Matt Welch and Tiffany Estabrook. Welch and Estabrook are seeking re-election.

A one-year term, currently held by Maitland Lord, will also be decided. John Archer and Stefanie Poulson are seeking that position. Lord has indicated he is a write-in candidate for a three-year term.

Town Clerk Pamela Griswold said in Chesterville if there is more than one opening on the Board of Selectmen everyone who took out papers is listed on the ballot.

“The two who receive the most votes will be elected (to the three-year),” Griswold said.


Selectman candidates on the ballots were asked the following questions:

• What are the most important issues facing Chesterville in your opinion?

• Why are you running for a seat on the board of selectmen?

• If elected, what do you hope to accomplish as a selectman?

• Explain your experiences as a leader in town government and community organizations.

Tiffany Estabrook   


Tiffany Estabrook

“Our roads are in need of attention as well as our equipment,” Estabrook said.

“The most difficult decisions come on where to move forward, and how to address these needs while maintaining the utmost fiscal responsibility. This year the board has set forth a few options for the people to decide. These decisions are not to be taken lightly and in my opinion I would like to see the town set on a path or a plan to get us back on track, so in 10 years we could be on a rotation schedule with regards to paving and replacing equipment. The town has taken the beginning steps to accomplish this goal.  Again this year the town has not taken a tax anticipated note (loan), we have started to build the general fund allowing the town to continue to grow and be responsible setting up reserve accounts and allowing ourselves to look to the future.”

She said she ran three years ago on the platform of wanting to the board to do things legally and correctly.

“I have stayed true to this platform, and I will do the same moving forward by continuing with research and communication. I enjoy speaking with anyone and everyone, I spend a lot of time and energy traveling, talking and doing research. I make myself very available and am willing to do whatever I can to help.  I remain committed and I have the same desire and passion to serve today as I did 3 years ago. I will continue to push to not raise taxes and serve “the best little town in America,” she said.

If elected, Estabrook will represent the town to the best of her ability.

“I will continue to communicate, do my best to work as a team with employees and elected officials to move Chesterville in a good fiscal responsible direction for the future.


Some of the best leaders are those who can lead by including everyone and bring a group together. I always try to treat others as I would want to be treated. This term I have had the opportunity to speak with many citizens and a few politicians. Being approachable and real has always been important to me. I want everyone to feel comfortable with whom they elected.”

Matthew Welch

Matthew Welch

Matt Welch currently serves as Chairman for the board. He has served on the Chesterville Days committee the last two years.

For Welch, the most important issues facing the town are the condition of roads and maintenance costs, dependability of public works equipment and shortage of personnel for the fire department.

“The last couple of years we have made progress on some longstanding issues and I want to help keep that ball rolling forward,” he said.

If re-elected, Welch will help keep taxes at a minimum, by controlling spending, and still give the townspeople the services they require.

John Archer

John Archer

In Archer’s opinion the most important issues facing Chesterville are getting the roads fixed and keeping the taxes down as much as possible.

He is running for a seat on the Board of Selectmen because he has attended Selectmen meetings for several years and has a good idea about what is going on in the town.
“Several community members asked that I run,” he said.
If elected as a Selectman, Archer would like to keep the town moving forward.
He has been a member of the Chesterville Fire Department for over 30 years and is the Fire Chief. He served on the budget committee for 22 years, been a member of the Chesterville Historical Society for several years, and is on the Chesterville Days committee.  He has been the President of the Franklin County USBC Bowling Association for 15 years and is a Vice President director on the Maine State USBC board.
Stefanie Poulson

Stephanie Poulson

Poulson feels the issues in Chesterville are the same as any rural town:  taxes, town expenditures, staffing the Fire Department and recruitment, roads, and the school budget.

“In addition to these major and ongoing discussions, I feel our greatest challenge as a select board will be to promote an atmosphere of cooperation, inclusion, order and diplomacy.  This can only help strengthen our community and benefit our citizens,” she said.
Poulson believes every citizen would benefit from a term in town government. She figured she would take her turn and see if she can help.
If elected, she hopes to gather a deeper understanding of town government.
“For our community, I would like to help develop a viable volunteer fire department and maybe re-instate the “Hot Shots” youth program. As a member of the select board, I am the member of a team.  As a team, I hope we work together successfully in this next year,” Poulson said.

This will be Poulson’s first experience working in town government.