100 years ago: 1919
It has been reported that Maine might adopt the pussy willow as a state flower in lieu of the mayflower which, as the name of the Pilgrim Father’s vessel, more properly belongs to Massachusetts. The pussy willow comes earlier in the spring than the mayflower and, if not as pretty and as fragrant, is much sought after for the rich dark color and its cute little buds. But Maine already has adopted a State flower — the pine cone and tassel — and it was the first to do it.
50 years ago: 1969
Members of the Martha Group, of the Woman’s Society of the Lewiston United Baptist Church, met Tuesday at the home of Mrs. William Haskell of Barron Street. Mrs. Robert Berkleman presented a talk entitled “My Reaction to the Culture of Southeast Asia.” Mrs. Ruth Coffin led the devotions and serving as assisting hostesses were Mrs. Ernest Small and Mrs. Charles Meade.
25 years ago: 1994
Dozens of tiny home-made cars will compete along a fixed course Saturday in the annual Pinewood Derby of Abnaki District Boy Scouts. The event, under the direction of Dale McCann, district executive, will be from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. in Poland Community School gymnasium.
The material used in Looking Back is reproduced exactly as it originally appeared, although misspellings and errors may be corrected.
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