100 years ago: 1919

Group meetings for members of the Lewiston Chamber of Commerce are to be held at headquarters, in the Strand Building, at eight o’clock, Thursday and Friday evenings. Any member is eligible to attend and take part in the informal discussion of the projects to be undertaken by the Chamber.

50 years ago: 1969

The district meeting of the Garden Club Federation of Maine will be held Tuesday with the local Garden Club of the Woman’s Literary Union as the hostess group at the Elm Street, Auburn, WLU clubrooms. A coffee hour from 9 to 10 a.m. will open the day’s activities under the supervision of Mrs. William J. Welch. Pourers will be Mrs. Joseph Woodhead and Mrs. Thomas G. Conley and serving as hostesses will be Mrs. Thomas Anthoine and Mrs. Richard Beaumont. Attending the 12:30 p.m. luncheon as a special guest will be Mrs. Lawrence C. Andrews, president of the federation.

25 years ago: 1994

Bingo games offered for senior citizens at the Wal-Mart store is illegal, says an official of the Maine State Police licensing board. Wal-Mart, located on Mount Auburn Avenue in Auburn, recently received a letter from the division that only a licensed non-profit organization can conduct bingo games. They were offered free by the store as part of senior citizen appreciation days held the second Tuesday of each month. There was no gain for us. It was a social occasion.

The material in Looking Back is reproduced exactly as it originally appeared, although misspellings and errors may be corrected.

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