RANGELEY — The Wilhelm Reich Museum, Dodge Pond Road, will open for the season on Wednesday, July 3, and will be open from 1 to 5 p.m. Wednesday through Sunday during July and August.

Visit the museum and learn about Reich’s writings and how they came to be banned and burned by the FDA in 1956, and the programs and professional activities of the Wilhelm Reich Museum.

The tour of the museum starts off with a film, “Man’s Right to Know: The Story of Wilhelm Reich,” which explains in animation how two of his inventions, the Cloudbuster and Acccumulator, function, as well as his many other inventions and experiments. Guides will answer questions.

The museum represents the life and work of physician-scientist Wilhelm Reich (1897-1957) and is listed in the National Register of Historic Places. The museum collections contain period furnishings, scientific instruments, paintings and works of art on paper, photographic materials, personal items, textiles and library materials. The library contains several thousand published volumes, journals and reports. Forty-six original paintings by Reich, several original drawings and a Kaethe Kollwitz woodcut, scientific charts and an original blueprint are also within the museum collections.

Children can explore a hands-on discovery room, and the observatory roof provides vistas of the region’s skies, lakes and surrounding countryside. Reich’s tomb, with its bronze portrait bust, is in a forest clearing nearby. A bookstore/gift shop gives access to all Reich’s published work.

The observatory is open from 1 to 5 p.m. Wednesday through Sunday in July and August and 1 to 5 p.m. Saturdays in September. Private tours are available April to October by appointment. For more information, call 207-864-3443, email wilhelmreichmuseum@gmail.com or visit www.wilhelmreichtrust.org.