To the Editor:

To those who express concern that my scrutiny of Donald Trump’s legitimacy as President of The United States might be overly intense, I would welcome and applaud truthful enlightenment as to whether or not my concerns are of legitimate consequence.

Is a contrived bone spur reject from military service a qualifying credential for being, Commander In Chief of this nations armed services?

Should Trump’s penchant for photo ops with brutally oppressive dictatorial leaders and disdain from such with our long time traditional allies be suggestive of his preference of intent to achieve an authoritarian dictatorial status for himself over this nation?

Is the brutality of separating young children from their parents and intentionally incarcerating them in a deplorably dehumanizing and mentally destabilizing circumstance, a prudent deterrent to migration that is consistent with this nation’s concept of human dignity?

How can friend or adversary ever negotiate in good faith with a self identified consistent pathological distorter of truthful disclosure and   be comfortable that what is pertinent at one juncture will remain so in the next?

Is Donald Trump orchestrating his feeble minded attempt at being President Of the United States as his own personal reality TV show extravaganza with himself as the main dominating character and the exclusive prime benefactor of that ill-conceived endeavor?

Don Chase


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