FARMINGTON — MaineHousing and the Department of Economic and Community Development will conduct the final of five Community Development Listening Forums on Thursday, July 18.
The forum will be from 1 to 3:30 p.m. in the Bass Room of Franklin Health Commons.
The purpose of the meetings is twofold. Mainehousing is preparing a five-year consolidated plan required by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development in order to continue receiving federal funding. And, Mainehousing seeks input into a more extensive state of housing assessment.
At the forum, MaineHousing and DECD will share some data and demographics of interest to Maine communities and service providers. The balance of the forums will be for attendees to ask questions and engage in meaningful dialogue. Ideas put forth may increase the effectiveness of programs and may inform the development of the five-year consolidated plan.
Send questions/comments to the editors.