100 years ago: 1919

At the regular meeting of the Auburn Hose Co. last night the firemen were all on hand and met with a real surprise and treat. They were asked to be at the assembly hall and found there a spread of ice cream and cake and abundance of the best cigars. The treat was furnished by Dwight Edwards. The firemen recently stopped a fire at his house on the corner of Hampshire and Union streets that had made a dangerous headway. The house was badly gutted but by holding it within the house the men saved thousands of dollars worth of property in the stables and automobile showrooms, which are all connected. After leaving the hall the men gave three ringing cheers for Mr. Edwards.

50 years ago: 1969

A crowd estimated in excess of 8,000 people attended the 21st annual Little World’s Fair at East Auburn Saturday in ideal weather conditions The attractive setting was the Auburn Municipal Beach and there were games, rides, and prizes for all ages. The bean supper at the Grange sponsored by the Women’s Auxiliary completely sold out, however, everyone had plenty to eat. The annual event, which was termed a tremendous success this year, is sponsored by the East Auburn Community Unit and all proceeds are turned back into community projects.

25 years ago: 1994

State Sen. John Baldacci, Democratic candidate for Congress in the 2nd District, will be hosting a spaghetti supper at the Lake Auburn Towne House on Wednesday from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. It will be the first of 17 spaghetti suppers in which proceeds will be donated to worthy causes within each community The proceeds from the Auburn supper will be donated to the Foster Grandparents Program. A traditional spaghetti, salad and breadsticks dinner will be served. The cost is $2.00 in advance and $2.50 at the door. Baldacci is expected to arrive on Lake Auburn Avenue at 5 p.m.

The material used in Looking Back is reproduced exactly as it originally appeared, although misspellings and errors may be corrected.

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