100 Years Ago: 1919

Sugar has been very scarce in the stores for the last ten days, but the grocers hope for more relief in time for Thanksgiving cooks to have more to be thankful for. No hope is expected however, that one might carry home enough to last a month. If he gets a couple of pounds or so he will be lucky.

50 Years Ago: 1969

The regular monthly meeting of the East Auburn Women Auxillary of the East Auburn Community Unit will be held on Sunday at 8 pm. at the East Auburn Grange Hall.  Mrs. Olive Tiffany will be the guest speaker and her talk  will be “Then and Now East  Auburn.” She will show color slides during her talk.

25 Years Ago: 1994

Horses at the paddock at the “Just a Little Farm” in Route 9 in Lisbon, are sporting blaze-orange blankets as a precaution during deer hunting season. A horse owned by an Auburn man was wounded last week, and police believe the incident may have involved a hunter.

The material used in Looking Back is reproduced exactly as it originally appeared, although misspellings and errors may be corrected.

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