Alexandra Bruce and Tyler Kizner

ANDOVER, Massachusetts — Alexandra (Ally) Bruce, formerly of Andover, Mass., and Tyler Kizner, formerly of Auburn, are announcing their engagement. Alexandra is the daughter of Larry and Pamela Bruce of Andover, Mass. Tyler is the son of Tina and Jason Merritt of Auburn and Chris and Denise Kizner of Temple, Georgia.

The future bride graduated in 2009 from Andover High School and in 2013 from the University of Rhode Island with a bachelor of arts degree in communications/public relations. She is the director of campaign management and business development at Semcasting, Inc., in North Andover, Mass.

The future groom graduated in 2008 from Edward Little High School and in 2012 from Emmanuel College in Boston with a bachelor of arts degree in business management and economics. He is employed as a market analyst for AMTEK Aerospace & Defense in Wilmington, Mass.

The couple currently resides in Derry, New Hampshire, and spends their free time doing home renovation projects or skiing in the White Mountains of New Hampshire.

The wedding will be held on Aug. 29 at Willow Spring Vineyards in Haverhill, Massachusetts.