To the Editor:

If anything these days of Covid 19 have done, it has been to remind us of how important our online connections are. Sure, the internet is great. It’s our source for news and email. But this time of pandemic and social distancing has sparked a deeper need for connection and has revealed some glaring disparities in our ability to access the world wide web. The explosion in the use of teleconferencing for businesses, for online doctor visits, and for kids getting their lessons online, has made it clear that improving our broadband infrastructure is critical to our future here in Western Maine.

That’s why I heartily endorse a YES vote on question One, to provide $15 million in seed money to underserved areas in rural Maine. It’s a start. A start toward bringing Maine’s business economy, education system, and healthcare into the 21st century.

Remember also that Jan Collins is running for state senate district 17 and is a solid proponent of strengthening our broadband capacity, unlike her opponent, Russell Black, who voted against L.D. 1848. To me, it is a clear choice. Vote YES on 1, and Vote for Jan Collins for State Senate District 17. Maine’s future depends on it.

Phil Poirier
