100 Years Ago: 1920

The work of setting up the WIlliams Starbird Shows, the carnival that is to show on the clay banks in Auburn this week under the auspices of Gayton Post of the American Legion, attracted a crowd of spectators until late  last night. The equipment arrived by train, yesterday afternoon, and was transferred to the grounds by Ralph Harnden, an Auburn truckman.

50 Years Ago: 1970

Special meetings of two committees named earlier this wear by Lewiston Mayor John B. Beliveau were called today. The Housing Committee, formed Jan. 9 to study housing problems in Lewiston, will meet at 4 p.m. Thursday at the Mayor’s office, at 7:30 p.m. The meeting of the Central Drug Committee,established May 19 to investigate the drug problem in the city will convene at the same place. Mayor Beliveau said today that at that time he will review reports prepared by the committees.

25 Years Ago: 1995

Martha Blowen’s artwork often reflects the spirit of community of her many paper creations. “Lend a Hand, the artist’s largest project, not only strives to capture the experience of living and working in Lewiston but also actively involves its inhabitants. Blowen is creating a quilt-style handmade paper mural that will be longer than a football field and will bear the impressions of hands from 2,500 local workers, from weavers to doctors to shoe stitchers. “It’s an opportunity to say who we are and | what we do,” she said. An accompanying book of photographs and statements of each participant will be shown. “What we have in common is our hands,” she added. “It does not matter what income you have, whether you are a brick layer or a lawyer, you have contributed to this city by the work you have done with your hands.” Blowen, who teaches papermaking and exhibits her work across the country, received an $8,000 grant from the Maine Arts Commission to create the 350-foot-long, 8-foot-high tapestry.

The material used in Looking Back is reproduced exactly as it originally appeared, although misspellings and errors may be corrected.

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