The Androscoggin Historical Society will conduct two Sunday afternoon programs at the Knight House on the Riverwalk near West Pitch Park in Auburn. While both are free and open to the public, donations are welcomed.

“Grand Parents Day,” will be celebrated from 1-4 p.m. on Sunday, Sept. 13, featuring old fashioned games, as well as some 19th century artifacts outside.

Miss Estes’ birthday will be celebrated on Sunday, Oct. 18, by having readers share their favorite stories. Miss Estes was the children’s librarian at the Auburn Public Library and was instrumental in Auburn Heritage’s rescuing the Knight House from the ravages of Urban Renewal, serving as a docent for the restored 1796 house.

Tours of the Knight House are available to properly masked individuals and families on a limited basis, given the confines of the house and the concerns about the Covid-19 virus. This program will also run from 1-4 p.m.

For more information, please contact Penny Jessop at (207) 782-5467.