To the Editor:

I want to thank Deborah Burke for sharing with us her awakening to ” the injustices people of color have had to endure in this country for generations.”  Her letter in the October 2 Franklin Journal is another step towards more and more white people realizing that we can change our attitudes and we can support changes that support fair treatment for everybody.  Last year I heard a military veteran talk about being offended by Colin Kaepernick when he “took the knee” instead of participating in the National Anthem before NFL games.  Maybe now more veterans can understand how deeply hurt Black Americans have felt during their lifetimes touched by prejudice.

I would like to recommend a book about that by a  certified Military and Family life Consultant for the U.S. Armed Forces, Resmaa Menakem, My Grandmother’s Hands.  We can all live better lives by learning to see the good in people who appear different.  We can accept all human beings as our brothers in humanity.

Craigen Healy

New Vineyard