To the Editor:
I’m writing to you in support of Jan Collins’ candidacy for Maine Senate District #17.  I have known Jan for many years and in many capacities—as a teacher, a small business owner, an environmental steward and an advocate for prison reform.  I serve with Jan on the Board of Visitors of the Franklin County Detention Center, an effort that she spearheaded and a good  example of her effective advocacy.  
Jan will make a great senator.  She is principled, diligent and kind.  She will reach across party lines to pass legislation that will better our county and our state, legislation like broad-band expansion, which will make it easier for businesses to function in a national and international environment and equalize the educational opportunities for students who must engage in distance learning for their safety.  Legislation that will protect the environment and create good local jobs.  Legislation that will preserve access to health care and support public health initiatives, so important in these pandemic times.  Legislation to sensibly reform the criminal justice system.  She will show up, work hard and do what’s right for all Maine people.  
Join me in voting for Jan in November.
Ellen Grunblatt