DEAR SUN SPOTS: I’m wondering if you could find out what  the city of Auburn is doing along Minot Avenue on the hill from Elm Street to the rotary by Roy’s. At first it looked like they were just making another walking trail, but now whole sections of the hill are gone. I checked the city’s website, but didn’t see this particular project listed.

Upon checking where High Street ends in Auburn (at the traffic light by the rotary) and looking at the city of Auburn page of projects, I’m guessing that they are putting a sidewalk from the Snake Trail to the traffic light, but I’m still wondering about all the tree removal and the trail further up the hill. I would appreciate any more information you have.

Thanks for keeping all of us informed about many topics. You are doing a great job and I enjoy your column. It’s definitely one of the best in the paper. — No name, Auburn

ANSWER: I spoke with the city engineer, Tony Beaulieu, and he explained that the project you are curious about is to accommodate a seven-foot wide sidewalk that will lead to the extended walking trail. The area has to have a proper slope so that a retaining wall won’t be needed. If you would like more information, you can call Tony at 333-6601, ext. 1140.

Although I love to hear from each and every one of you regarding just about anything, I would urge you to always call the office of your municipality with inquiries of this sort. The wonderful people who serve you in this capacity are there to help and answer your questions.

If you are unsure of which number to call, use the main number of the municipal office or the ring into the clerk’s office. You will be sent to the right extension and if you get a voice mail leave a detailed message. You can also look up individual emails online and ask your question that way.


Lastly, I’m so glad to hear that you enjoy Sun Spots. All of us associated with the Sun Journal work very hard and support one another to make this publication the very best it can be. We would not be here without our subscribers and we appreciate all of you very much. Keep asking questions and keep reading!

DEAR SUN SPOTS: This is in response to the inquiry on Jan. 6 concerning filling stations that pump gas for the elderly and handicapped. Poisson’s Citgo in Auburn does pump gas for everyone.

It is very difficult for a handicapped person to get out of the car to ask for their gas to be pumped. Also, just tooting the horn causes issues with other cars in line waiting. I am hoping that filling stations would have a senior day or hours that seniors and handicapped can have their gas pumped. This would be a great service to the aging and handicapped population in the area and in Maine. — No name, Lewiston.

ANSWER: I do hope gas station owners and managers will see this and take note. If anyone has ideas on how to make this work for both the attendants and those who need the service, please write in!

This column is for you, our readers. It is for your questions and comments. There are only two rules: You must write to the column and sign your name. We won’t use it if you ask us not to. Please include your phone number. Letters will not be returned or answered by mail, and telephone calls will not be accepted. Your letters will appear as quickly as space allows. Address them to Sun Spots, P.O. Box 4400, Lewiston, ME 04243-4400. Inquiries can also be emailed to