Editor’s note: Welcome to Question of the Week, a forum for our subscribers to sound off on what they think. Each week, we pose a question to our subscribers and ask them to tell us what’s on their minds. (You can see a past example here.) To comment, simply sign up for the Talk Platform (create your profile here) and start chatting.

This week, it’s all about stimulus checks: How did you spend your share of stimulus money? Did you receive your check, or are you still waiting on one? Were there any issues with your check when you got it?

Last week, we received a series of notes to our Sun Spots column about irregularities with area residents’ stimulus checks (a quick investigation found they were due to processing errors). But it put stimulus money at the front of our brains. So this week, we want to know: What did you put the money towards? Are you still waiting on stimulus money? Let us know in the comments below.

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