Recreation Director Abbie Earle holds a bottle of Chanel Coco Mademoiselle L’Eau Privee perfume outside of the Paris Town Office. Allure magazine did a feature on the smells of Paris, France and just for fun sent some perfumes to other Parises in the United States to review. Andree Kehn/Sun Journal Buy this Photo
PARIS — The review of Chanel’s Coco Madamoiselle L’Eau Privee perfume in the May issue of Allure magazine: Pleasant with undertones of musk and hints of romance.
The very unexpected reviewees: The Paris, Maine Town Office staff.
Allure representatives reached out in February asking staff if they would be part of its upcoming “Eau de Paris” feature, reviewing perfumes with a host of other Parises: Paris, Tennessee, Paris, Idaho, and Paris, Ontario.
The answer was a quick oui.
“It was really honestly something fun,” said Recreation Director Abbie Earle. “In the office, it’s been a challenging year for everybody. We really enjoyed the interconnectedness in a time of isolation, to be part of this Paris thing.”
When the light pink bottle arrived, the six women took turns trying it on and sharing reactions. They didn’t think to invite the men, Earle said.

A bottle of Chanel Coco Mademoiselle L’Eau Privee perfume was sent by Allure magazine to the Paris town office for a review. Andree Kehn/Sun Journal Buy this Photo
“There were actually a couple hesitations,” she said. “Some of them kind of described it as musky undertones, which was too much for some in the office. I liked it a lot, I thought it had a very sophisticated scent compared to what I usually buy.”
Staff collaborated on the review, which read, in part: “We can detect some undertones of a musk, with some floral. It has a romantic hint to it that makes us women feel special.” Town Clerk Elizabeth Knox sent it off.
Earle, who graduated this month with a history degree from St. Joseph’s College, is working her last summer as recreation director before, she hopes, going into teaching. The Allure feature had her flashing on town history.
“In 1782, they were actually debating between naming the town Lebanon or Paris,” Earle said. “I just thought that was fascinating, and I’m glad they chose Paris or otherwise we wouldn’t be here talking about it right now.”
She said her great co-workers offered to let her keep the bottle. She’d been a full-on fan.
“I like wearing it out for dinner with my fiance and shaking it up for fancier affairs,” she said. “As I go onto my next adventure, it’s going to be a sentimental thing, a reminder of Paris.”
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