A.M. Sheehan has been in the news business for 40 years, including time as an editor at the Chatham Courier in N.Y., Kitchenware News, Beachcomber and Dover Community News in N.H., and the Summerville Journal Scene, Georgetown Times, Waccamaw Times and Inlet Outlet in S.C. In Maine she has been an editor for the Advertiser Democrat, Bethel Citizen, Franklin Journal and Livermore Falls Advertiser, and is currently managing editor for the Sun Journal's group of western Maine weeklies. She is a former journalist of the year in Maine, a Pulitzer finalist and winner of the Michael Kelley Award, the Polk Award and the Casey Medal Award. A.M. enjoys reading, theater, cooking and gardening.
PublishedOctober 6, 2022
The Power of Resilience: Katey Branch
“Hard things happen when you are young, and as an adult too,” says Katey Branch, 62, of Paris. “As an adult I have survived breast cancer, lost my husband to pancreatic cancer and lived with substance abuse in my [extended] family. Growing up, Branch says her family never talked about anything uncomfortable. “Mental health issues […]
PublishedOctober 5, 2022
How do you say that in …
English: indigenousFrench: indigèneSpanish: indígenaGerman: einheimischItalian: indigenoArabic: ‘usaliy أصليChinese: Tǔzhù 土著
PublishedOctober 5, 2022
Word of the Week
Indigenous(in-DIJ-in-us)Growing naturally in a place, rather than coming or being brought from the outside. It can be used, not just for people, but for plants and animals, too.Indigenous people means the first people who lived in a place, not people who moved there later.Abby learned that her Penobscot ancestors were indigenous to Maine.
PublishedOctober 5, 2022
Current Events: Columbus Day and Indigenous Peoples’ Day
“In fourteen hundred and ninety-two, Columbus sailed the ocean blue.” That rhyme helps people remember that the year, 1492, was when Christopher Columbus sailed from Spain to America. Some people believe we should have a holiday called Columbus Day, and some people think we should not honor Columbus, but the native people who were already […]
PublishedSeptember 30, 2022
Word of the Week
NavalNAY-vuhlA word that describes things connected to a navy, such as warships or sailors.Andy’s sister is a naval officer and serves on a battleship.(Naval should not be confused with the word, navel, which is your bellybutton or a type of orange.)
PublishedSeptember 29, 2022
The Power of Resilience
“Hard things happen – but these things do not define us.” This is one of the messages crafted by 15 Oxford Hills community members in an effort to raise awareness of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and the importance of building resilience – the ability to bounce back from life’s challenges. These 15 individuals include local […]
PublishedSeptember 29, 2022
Jail Log
Oxford County Jail Log for week ending September 26, 2022. PARIS — The following arrests were logged at the Oxford Oxford County Sheriff’s Office. Nathan C. Merrill, 36, Norway, two counts failure to appear after bailed, 5:34 p.m., September 21, Oxford, Oxford Police William T. Currier, 32, Sabattus, failure to appear after bailed, 10:18 a.m., […]
PublishedSeptember 28, 2022
Food pantry begging for space on Bisbee property
“We’re working to help people every way we can but we need a space, and there just aren’t spaces around,” said Dave Bean, executive director and board president of The Bethel Area District Exchange and Food Pantry.
PublishedSeptember 28, 2022
Word of the Week
Atonement(Rhymes with a STONE mint)Making up for a wrong or injury. Something you do to show you are sorry for a bad thing you did.Daniel made atonement for stealing five dollars by paying it back and saying he was sorry.
PublishedSeptember 28, 2022
How do you say that in …
English: atonementFrench: expiationSpanish: expiaciónGerman: SühneItalian: espiazioneArabic: altakfir التكفيرChinese: Shúzuì 赎罪
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