A.M. Sheehan has been in the news business for 40 years, including time as an editor at the Chatham Courier in N.Y., Kitchenware News, Beachcomber and Dover Community News in N.H., and the Summerville Journal Scene, Georgetown Times, Waccamaw Times and Inlet Outlet in S.C. In Maine she has been an editor for the Advertiser Democrat, Bethel Citizen, Franklin Journal and Livermore Falls Advertiser, and is currently managing editor for the Sun Journal's group of western Maine weeklies. She is a former journalist of the year in Maine, a Pulitzer finalist and winner of the Michael Kelley Award, the Polk Award and the Casey Medal Award. A.M. enjoys reading, theater, cooking and gardening.
PublishedSeptember 15, 2021
Word of the week
Immunity The power to keep yourself from being affected by a disease. I want to be vaccinated so I have immunity to getting sick from certain diseases.
PublishedSeptember 15, 2021
Current Events/Vaccines
Every day our bodies are bombarded by bacteria and viruses. The ones that get inside our body meet our immune system which is ready not only to kill the invaders but also to create memory cells that will help defeat them more quickly the next time they try to attack. When people are vaccinated against […]
PublishedSeptember 8, 2021
All things wise and wonderful, all creatures great and small
Dogs and cats and rabbits … RPC has got them all … and they all need good homes.
PublishedSeptember 8, 2021
Gingerbread House vandalized
PublishedSeptember 8, 2021
Word of the week
Atone Atonement To do something to make up for a wrong. I need to atone for being mean to a girl at school. Apologizing to her and asking her to forgive me will be my atonement.
PublishedSeptember 8, 2021
Book Review
Flight for Freedom: The Wetzel Family’s Daring Escape from East Germany By Kristen Fulton Illustrated by Torben Kuhlmann Suppose you live in South Paris and you are ruled by a communist government. You are not allowed to watch cartoons, wear blue jeans and you have to wait in long lines for a banana just once […]
PublishedSeptember 8, 2021
How do they say that in…
English atone, atonement French expier, expiation Spanish expiar, expiación Italian espiare, espiazione German büßen, Sühne Chinese Shúzuì 赎罪, Shúzuì 赎罪
PublishedSeptember 2, 2021
Current Events/ Yom Kippur
What is Yom Kippur? Yom Kippur’ means the ‘Day of Atonement’. That is, the day when Jewish people try to make up for any wrong things they might have done. It is a day of fasting which starts at sunset on the 10th of Tishrei and finishes when night falls on the 11th Tishrei. This […]
PublishedSeptember 2, 2021
Public health not open to debate
To the Editor: At the recent SAD 44 School Board meeting (reported in the August 26 Citizen), two community problems grabbed space at the table, and ate everyone else’s lunch. First: when heckling and bullying take over an official public meeting, it is the responsibility of the Board Chair and the Superintendent to close the […]
PublishedSeptember 1, 2021
Current Events/Labor Day
Labor Day is a holiday on the first Monday of September each year. But what does it celebrate? It celebrates everyone who works and helps the country prosper. Most workers get the day off, but not everyone. Workers who are considered “essential” like police officers, hospital employees, ambulance staff, firefighters, store employees, all have to […]
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