A.M. Sheehan has been in the news business for 40 years, including time as an editor at the Chatham Courier in N.Y., Kitchenware News, Beachcomber and Dover Community News in N.H., and the Summerville Journal Scene, Georgetown Times, Waccamaw Times and Inlet Outlet in S.C. In Maine she has been an editor for the Advertiser Democrat, Bethel Citizen, Franklin Journal and Livermore Falls Advertiser, and is currently managing editor for the Sun Journal's group of western Maine weeklies. She is a former journalist of the year in Maine, a Pulitzer finalist and winner of the Michael Kelley Award, the Polk Award and the Casey Medal Award. A.M. enjoys reading, theater, cooking and gardening.
PublishedJuly 1, 2021
Dereliction of duty costs Otisfield taxpayers
To the Editor: I had to leave the Otisfield town meeting early for work. I left when the taxpayers had to point out to the town representatives how messed up there numbers were. They were so bad they had to be amended on the floor. Reflecting on this as I drove, I wondered as to […]
PublishedJuly 1, 2021
Anyone recognize?
PublishedJuly 1, 2021
Red Cross urgently needs blood
PORTLAND — The American Red Cross continues to experience a severe blood shortage that is negatively affecting blood product availability across the country. Donors of all blood types – especially type O and those giving platelets – are urged to make an appointment to give now and help ensure hospital shelves are stocked with blood […]
PublishedJune 30, 2021
Current Events/Flag Day
No one really honored the flag until June 14, 1877, when it was flown from every government building for the centennial (100th year) of the flag’s adoption. After that, many citizens and organizations worked for the adoption of a national day of commemoration for the flag. In 1916, President Woodrow Wilson unofficially declared June 14 […]
PublishedJune 30, 2021
Word of the week
Commemorate To observe with a ceremony; to serve as a memorial of. We salute to commemorate the flag. Flag Day is a commemoration of our flag.
PublishedJune 30, 2021
Word of the week
Independence Not being under the control of, reliant on, or connected with someone or something else. When American gained independence it was no longer under the control of England.
PublishedJune 30, 2021
How do they say than in
English – independence French –indépendance Spanish –independencia Italian –indipendenza German –nabhängigkeit Chinese –Dúlì 独立
PublishedJune 29, 2021
Current Events/ Fourth of July
The Declaration of Independence was approved by the Continental Congress on the July 4, 1776 – now known as Independence Day – and every year Americans honor the 4th of July as the birthday of the United States of America. HISTORY ⇒ In 1775, during the Revolutionary War, very few colonists wanted complete independence from […]
PublishedJune 23, 2021
How do they say that in
English – democratic French – démocratique Spanish – Democrática (feminine); Democrático (masculine) Italian – Democrática; Democrático German – Demokratisch Arabic – dimuqratii ديمقراطي
PublishedJune 23, 2021
Word of the week
Democratic 1. Believing in or practicing the idea that people are socially equal. 2. Relating to or favoring political democracy Our country believes in the democratic process where everyone gets a vote.
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