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Old town
  • Published
    September 16, 2019

    Nominees sought for city Brownfields assessment

    In 2016, Old Town received a $400,000 Brownfield Assessment grant to inventory, assess and conduct planning related to potential petroleum and hazardous waste impacted Brownfields in old Town; these funds were generally expended, but this year, the city received a second grant, this one for $300,000 from the EPA to continue its Brownfield Assessment program.

  • Published
    August 30, 2019

    Old Town mill has second fire in six weeks 

    Two firefighters suffered minor injuries as they helped to extinguish a fire at the newly reopened Nine Dragons Paper mill in Old Town.

  • Published
    August 22, 2019

    Reopening of Old Town mill celebrated

    The event was put on by ND Paper, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Nine Dragons Paper Limited, which bought the mill nearly a year ago.

  • Published
    August 22, 2019

    Old Town Bowling Center seeks seniors for league

    The Old Town Bowling Center is looking for bowlers to participate in a senior candlepin league set to start next month.

  • Published
    August 15, 2019

    High speed internet pilot project starting soon

    Plans had been for work to begin this summer, but bids came in higher than hoped; construction now will be done this winter, when labor costs are lower.

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  • Published
    August 9, 2019

    New computer lab at Family Self Sufficiency Center

    The Housing Authority of the City of Old Town (HACOT) has partnered with PC’s for Maine and Machias Savings Bank to establish a computer lab at its newly renovated Family Self Sufficiency (FSS) Center on Anderson Lane in Old Town.

  • Published
    August 9, 2019

    Pack 76  has successful Scouting season

    This past season local scouts were able to earn some brand new awards that Old Town area Cubs don’t typically see.

  • Published
    August 9, 2019

    Old Town real estate transfers

    The following real estate transfers recently were processed by the Old Town Assessor's Office.

  • Published
    August 2, 2019

    Tax board changes mind on Expera appeal

    The Board of Property Tax Review apparently reversed itself on a previous decision, setting the stage for more potential legal action.

  • Published
    July 5, 2019

    Revisitation of Expera decision finally scheduled

    The State Board of Property Tax Review finally will once again look at the tax dispute between the former owner of the mill and the city later this month.