You’re thankful for family, no question.

But also for Nancy Grace, leg rubs and one vicious polar bear.

As you gather today and tuck in, or simply sit back and take stock, read what people around the community are most thankful for this Thanksgiving.

A bouncing baby girl

“After trying to conceive for two years, and two surgeries later, my husband and I are thankful for our beautiful 10-month-old daughter, Alexandria!” Suzanne Cueto, Greene



“I’m thankful each day at 5:30 a.m. when my feet hit the floor, and also that I’m in a position to give back to this community the kindness given to me over the past 36 years.” Lewiston Mayor Bob Macdonald

Quick wit

“This Thanksgiving, I’m thankful for my family … and the sarcasm and wit that will get me through the reunions this holiday season.” Sara Cadwell, Auburn


“This Thanksgiving, I am thankful that fate has brought my family and me to Lewiston, where challenges and opportunities make my job as school superintendent exciting and meaningful, where my wife, Molly, has found her calling as a hospice nurse, where my mother is happy and well cared for, and where we can easily access transportation to occasionally visit our daughters in New York City and beyond — I could not ask for more.” Lewiston schools Superintendent Bill Webster



“I am thankful that we have someone like Nancy Grace to stand up and speak out for all these babies that parents or other adults are harming.” Barbara Jordan, Auburn


“This Thanksgiving I am thankful to FINALLY be back in Auburn, Maine! I spent 17 years in other states and I am glad to be back in this great city.” Jessica Michaud, Auburn

Selfless beau

“This Thanksgiving, I am thankful for leg rubs from my amazing boyfriend — who gives them to me even when he really, really doesn’t want to.” Mandy Cote, Auburn

Creative state

“This Thanksgiving, I’m thankful for being able to live in a creative state (both geographically and mentally).” Mike Miclon, Buckfield

Polar bear

“I’m thankful to a certain polar bear who let me see the love and compassion that dwells within our community.” Matt Dyer, Turner


“This Thanksgiving, I’m thankful for individuals and families in this community who take time out of their day to serve meals to those in need or deliver meals to those without family to visit them.” Auburn Mayor Jonathan LaBonte

The Internet

“This Thanksgiving, I’m thankful for the ability to connect to other people all over the world in the blink of an eye.” Ethan Casavant, Augusta

Three things


“This Thanksgiving, I’m thankful for three things: faith in God, my country and my family.” Justice Robert Clifford


“I am thankful for my wonderful husband and two beautiful children, great son-in-law and four beautiful and loving grandchildren.” Betty Snell, Strong

Bouncing baby boy

“I am thankful for my grandson being born today, Nov. 19, 2013.” Judith Pelletier

The whole bunch


“For my husband and all my children and grandchildren — I have a bunch of them.” Simonne Nadeau, Lewiston

Eating, being merry

“My family. I have three sons and I have three grandchildren. We love to eat and we love to cook and we’ll be together that day.” Donna Radjavitch, Brunswick

All of it

“Everything, (and) I’m thankful for family.” Elizabeth Bellman, Auburn

Place to call home


“My family (and) I went from living in a car to having a home, so I’m pretty thankful for having a place to live.” Tracey Stump-Clark, Readfield

Person to call home

“(Tracey) always being there for me. With anything in life, you have your ups and downs. You find someone you love; it makes all the difference.” Michael Hamele, Readfield


“My family, my health and my friends.” Ruth York, New Gloucester

Good health


“I am thankful for restored health, a loving, caring wife that has provided a tremendous amount of TLC, as well as other family members and friends that have helped and put up with me for the past 18 months. Thanks to loving God, good hospitals, great doctors, lots of friends bolstering me with their prayers, I now feel much better and stronger than I have in many months.” Cal Brown, Litchfield

More R&R

“We’re happy we’re retired!” Joe Radjavitch, Brunswick (during an impromptu get-together with fellow retired Bath Iron Works co-workers)

Good news

“For health for my family — we’ve gone through some tough issues and things are looking good.” Ivan Lazure, Lewiston



“Having all the family together. We just had a new grandson born on (her husband’s) birthday.” Joanne Doucette, Auburn


“Fourteen years ago, two weeks before my son was due, my father suffered a massive heart attack . . . this Thanksgiving I am thankful for them being best buddies.” Rhonda Bates, Auburn


“This Thanksgiving I am thankful for all of our dedicated volunteers at the Red Cross who give their time to help those who have been affected by a disaster.” Jennifer Gaylord, branch manager, United Valley Red Cross

Mom’s-eye view


“The opportunity to set eyes on my children.” Heather M. Steele, Lewiston

Two words

“My family.” Shari Gosselin, Lewiston


“This Thanksgiving, I’m thankful for a life that is full of love, support and joy!” Auburn schools Superintendent Katy Grondin



“I’m certainly thankful for having the opportunity to celebrate another Thanksgiving with my family and friends. I’m obviously thankful for them, for so many things, particularly in the last year or so, and I’m especially thankful for the opportunity the citizens of Androscoggin, Oxford and Franklin counties have given me all these years to be a D.A. and for the terrific people I have met.” District Attorney Norm Croteau


“This Thanksgiving, I’m thankful for our child, Beanie, a Yorkie Chihuahua, sleeping between us, giving unconditional love, who will never depart from us.” Judy Lagasse and Maurice Jalbert, Wilton


“For my family and my health.” Michael Lessard, Lewiston



“This Thanksgiving, I am grateful for my other half, Steve, my boyfriend of five-and-a-half years. I have now come to terms with the fact that everything happens for a reason; if it weren’t for those tough moments in life, I more than likely would have never crossed paths with Steve, and I honestly couldn’t imagine my life without him now.” Darcy Pabst, Lewiston

Inner strength

“Obviously, this Thanksgiving I am thankful that Matthew survived (a polar bear attack) and is recovering so well from the polar bear attack. But on a day-to-day, personal level, I am so thankful that he is the strong, optimistic man that he is, committed to a life of happiness and helping others — the hardships only strengthened his best qualities.” Jeanne Wells, Matt Dyer’s wife, Turner