NORWAY — The Center for Ecology-Based Economy will celebrate Earth Day with a program that covers organic and low-input agriculture in Cuba and also solidarity with Cuba.

The Let Cuba Live Committee of Maine is a co-sponsor.

The event will be held at 4 p.m. Sunday, April 23, at The Commons, CEBE, 447 Main St.

Cuban food will be served midway during the proceedings.

Scott Vlaun of CEBE will talk about farming in the global South, including Cuba He will also show a film that describes Cuba’s advances — and problems — in organic and urban-based agriculture.

John Waller will speak as the featured guest. He’s the national coordinator for the 2017 U.S.-Cuba Friendshipment Caravan to Cuba, which is a project of the IFCO/Pastors for Peace organization in New York. That group, which works nationwide — and with Let Cuba Live, has long promoted solidarity with the Cuban people and mounted opposition to the U.S. embargo against Cuba.

Waller will explain how the embargo still hinders cooperation between the two countries in many areas, including agriculture. It also interferes with U.S. people learning about Cuban achievements in sustainable agriculture, and also in education and health care.

FMI: 207-743-2183, 207-739-2101.

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