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Coffee barista Julia Wilkins hands over two free iced coffees during Aroma Joe’s grand opening on Center Street in Auburn on Thursday. Aroma Joe’s opened its doors Feb. 27, but “waited for the right moment to celebrate,” said owner Tulio DeAlmeida. The coffee shop was one of three businesses handing out free coffee Thursday along Center Street. “We have seen a lot of new faces today,” DeAlmeida said.
“Anything for free, I try to get it,” said Jeff Williams, right, as he and Adam Graul get free promotional items at the McDonald’s on Center Street in Auburn on Thursday. Courtney Adamen, center, drew in customers from inside a giant coffee cup to promote “free coffee day” at one of three businesses that handed out free coffee Thursday. Williams had already been to Aroma Joe’s for free java and had just heard that Dunkin’ Donuts was handing out free coffee gift cards. “I know where we are going after this,” Williams said.
Holland McKimmie, right, talks with Tammy Patterson after Patterson handed McKimmie and Daleana Whitney gift cards at the Dunkin’ Donuts on Center Street in Auburn on Thursday. The doughnut and coffee shop was one of three Center Street businesses to hand out free items during their customer appreciation day. General Manager Natasha Morrissette said the DD location ran specials all day to “thank our guests for choosing us.”