Editor’s note: Welcome to Question of the Week, a forum for our subscribers to sound off on what they think. Each week, we pose a question to our subscribers and ask them to tell us what’s on their minds. (You can see a past example here.) To comment, simply sign up for the Talk Platform (create your profile here) and start chatting.

This week, we want to know your opinion of CMP. What has your experience been like with the company? 

CMP has been dominating headlines recently, ranging from news about the New England Connect Energy Corridor (NECEC) to updates on their surprise announcement for costly solar upgrades (and their quick fix). We often hear from readers about wide-ranging opinions about Central Maine Power, so let’s put it all out in the open. What’s your opinion on the company? What has your experience been like with them? Do you have thoughts about the NECEC? Let us know in the comments below.

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