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Every single one of these people, people we knew and loved, left their lives behind while doing perfectly ordinary things with every expectation they would be returning to their homes and their loved ones Wednesday night.
The former head of the National Institutes of Health during the pandemic and current science advisor to President Joe Biden, Francis Collins, has noted that he and his colleagues demonstrated an "unfortunate" narrow-mindedness.
When it comes to the open southern border it could be argued — and should be argued by more members of Congress — that the president has violated his oath, which is reason enough for impeachment.
Maine’s legislature faces an urgent policy dilemma with how the state should move forward to enforce a new law regulating the presence of PFAS, sometimes referred to as “forever chemicals,” in the economy.
The Biden administration is attempting to hide its responsibility for its policy disaster on the U.S.-Mexico border and the subsequent illegal migrant crisis. Even Democrats now acknowledge the border crisis is a major political and economic problem that will damage them in the 2024 national elections.
Books have long provided what sociologists call third places — that is, hangouts that are neither work or home. Both bookstores and libraries fill the bill. These third places provide company and a sense of community. If you think that an hour of quiet reading isn't a big draw, consider: One New York bar charges a $10 admission fee per reading session and has 270 people on its waiting list.
Deliberate ignorance and false teaching about events here and in the Middle East and China, along with the refusal of American media to pay serious attention to the connection between foreign donations and university policies and teaching, plays into the hands of those who do not wish America well.
U.S. coasts are vulnerable to proxy attack using 21st-century unmanned air and sea vehicles launched a hundred miles offshore. The U.S. has 12,480 miles of coastline — equivalent to about half the Earth's circumference at the Equator.
Today’s apprenticeship programs are not my father’s apprenticeships. They involve learning new technologies and skills, are in very high-demand fields and are no longer only for high school students. In fact, the average age of a Maine apprentice is 29.
Not only are those at loggerheads over Israel and Hamas taking the temperature to extreme levels, they won’t even agree on how to argue. Is, for example, “from the river to the sea” fair comment?
Moms for Liberty was really a front for Donald Trump, so it all fits in. Members posing in photos with Proud Boys was something of a giveaway. The true mission of this "parental rights group" was to scoop up cheap votes from parents genuinely concerned about their children's moral upbringing.